With rising global population and decreasing available arable land and fresh water resources, the oceans provide an attractive alternative domain for sourcing nutrients. In particular, as the global demand for plant proteins and carbohydrates is expected to grow, which requires seeking new and renewable sources of these biopolymers, intended for human consumption. This is an urgent global need and a high priority research area. For this purpose, marine macroalgae are a promising candidate raw biomass. Macroalgae are a potential source of a wide range of biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, phytochemicals, lipids and minerals. It may be sustainable if prudently harvested and efficiently utilized, while minimizing adverse environmental impact.
We aim at developing an efficient integrated bio-process, established on a ‘zero waste’ vision that will allow the conversion of macroalgal biomass into food ingredients. In particular, extraction and characterization of a high macroalgae protein content concentrate, while also extracting and characterizing the starch fraction, both intact and maintaining their functional properties suitable for food application.